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24 resultaten
3d Wall Design 8DMA - 3d Angle White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DMA - 3d Angle White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design A6PA - 3d Blade Rose, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design A6PA - 3d Blade Rose, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 65,50 €/m² 29,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DBW - 3d Blade White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DBW - 3d Blade White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 65,50 €/m² 29,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DDN - 3d Diamond Night, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DDN - 3d Diamond Night, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 67,90 €/m² 30,00 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DDI - 3d Diamond White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DDI - 3d Diamond White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DUS - 3d Dune Sand, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DUS - 3d Dune Sand, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 65,50 €/m² 29,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DUW - 3d Dune White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DUW - 3d Dune White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 65,50 €/m² 29,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DFW - 3d Flash White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DFW - 3d Flash White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design A6BI - 3d Flows White, Matte, 50x120cm, 11.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design A6BI - 3d Flows White, Matte, 50x120cm, 11.00mm, Rectified 88,50 €/m² 39,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design A6BH - 3d Line White, Matte, 50x120cm, 11.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design A6BH - 3d Line White, Matte, 50x120cm, 11.00mm, Rectified 88,50 €/m² 39,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8SBW - 3d Ribbon White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8SBW - 3d Ribbon White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DAW - 3d Stars White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DAW - 3d Stars White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DSM - 3d Twist Sage, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DSM - 3d Twist Sage, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 9D5B - 3d Ultra Blade White, Matte, 30.5x56cm, 9.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 9D5B - 3d Ultra Blade White, Matte, 30.5x56cm, 9.50mm, Rectified 65,50 €/m² 29,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design A6BJ - 3d Ultra Blade White, Matte, 50x120cm, 11.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design A6BJ - 3d Ultra Blade White, Matte, 50x120cm, 11.00mm, Rectified 88,50 €/m² 39,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DWG - 3d Wave White, Lucida, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DWG - 3d Wave White, Lucida, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 67,90 €/m² 30,00 €/m²
3d Wall Design 9D5W - 3d Wave White, Matte, 30.5x56cm, 9.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 9D5W - 3d Wave White, Matte, 30.5x56cm, 9.50mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DMW - 3d Wind White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DMW - 3d Wind White, Matte, 40x80cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 63,90 €/m² 28,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DSL - Solid White, Lucida, 40x80cm, 8.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DSL - Solid White, Lucida, 40x80cm, 8.50mm, Rectified 56,50 €/m² 25,00 €/m²
3d Wall Design A6BG - Solid White, Lucida, 50x120cm, 8.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design A6BG - Solid White, Lucida, 50x120cm, 8.50mm, Rectified 81,50 €/m² 36,50 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DSA - Solid White, Matte, 40x80cm, 8.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DSA - Solid White, Matte, 40x80cm, 8.50mm, Rectified 53,50 €/m² 23,90 €/m²
3d Wall Design 8DSO - Solid White, Matte, 40x80cm, 8.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 8DSO - Solid White, Matte, 40x80cm, 8.50mm, Rectified 53,50 €/m² 23,90 €/m²
3d Wall Design 9D5S - Solid White, Matte, 30.5x56cm, 8.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design 9D5S - Solid White, Matte, 30.5x56cm, 8.50mm, Rectified 53,50 €/m² 23,90 €/m²
3d Wall Design A6BF - Solid White, Matte, 50x120cm, 8.50mm, Rectified
3d Wall Design A6BF - Solid White, Matte, 50x120cm, 8.50mm, Rectified 78,50 €/m² 34,90 €/m²
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1 resultaten
3d Wall Design Mosaic 9DSM - Solid White, Matte, 30.5x30.5cm, 10.00mm, Rectified
Mosaic 9DSM - Solid White, Matte, 30.5x30.5cm, 10.00mm, Rectified 377,50 €/m² 167,50 €/m²
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Beschrijving Le carrelage

3d Wall Design


Atlas Concorde

est le choix idéal pour donner une touche d'élégance et de style à vos chambres.

Grâce à la surface lucida, matte, ce carreau à effet kleur donne un aspect luxueux et sophistiqué, s'adaptant parfaitement à tout type de design.

Avec une sélection de couleurs raffinées, dont 3d angle white, 3d blade rose, 3d blade white, 3d diamond night, 3d diamond white, 3d dune sand, 3d dune white, 3d flash white, 3d flows white, 3d line white, 3d ribbon white, 3d stars white, 3d twist sage, 3d ultra blade white, 3d wave white, 3d wind white, solid white, le carreau

3d Wall Design

est disponible dans différents formats, tels que 30.5x56cm, 40x80cm, 50x120cm, et offre flexibilité et polyvalence pour le création de vos espaces.

Grâce à son épaisseur de 8.50mm, 9.50mm, 10.00mm, 11.00mm, le carrelage

3d Wall Design

garantit résistance et durabilité dans le temps, gardant sa beauté intacte même après plusieurs années d'utilisation.

Fabriqué avec des matériaux de haute qualité et avec une attention portée à chaque détail, le carrelage

3d Wall Design


Atlas Concorde

est le choix parfait pour ceux qui recherchent une solution de classe supérieure.

Choisissez la beauté et l'élégance intemporelles du carrelage

3d Wall Design


Atlas Concorde

pour transformer vos espaces en véritables chefs-d'œuvre du design.
Atlas Concorde
3d Wall Design
Kleur 3d Angle White, 3d Blade Rose, 3d Blade White, 3d Diamond Night, 3d Diamond White, 3d Dune Sand, 3d Dune White, 3d Flash White, 3d Flows White, 3d Line White, 3d Ribbon White, 3d Stars White, 3d Twist Sage, 3d Ultra Blade White, 3d Wave White, 3d Wind White, Solid White
Oppervlakte Lucida, Matte
Afmetingen 30.5x56cm, 40x80cm, 50x120cm
Dikte 8.50mm, 9.50mm, 10.00mm, 11.00mm
Gerectificeerd Rectified
Effect Kleur
Gebruik Binnen, Muur
Materiaal Porseleinen steengoed
Uitglijdindex Niet gespecificeerd
Kleurenschaduw Niet gespecificeerd
3d Wall Design
3d Wall Design
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Atlas Concorde general book 2024
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Atlas Concorde 3D WALL DESIGN