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13 resultaten
Puzzle BOZ13 - Ash, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ13 - Ash, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ08  - Brick, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ08 - Brick, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ10 - Cerulean, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ10 - Cerulean, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ04  - Clay, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ04 - Clay, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ07 - Coal, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ07 - Coal, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ12 - Fragola, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ12 - Fragola, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ02  - Mineral, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ02 - Mineral, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ11 - Olive, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ11 - Olive, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ01 - Powder, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ01 - Powder, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ06 - Slate, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ06 - Slate, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ09  - Smoke, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ09 - Smoke, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ05 - Steel, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ05 - Steel, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
Puzzle BOZ03 - Stone, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Puzzle BOZ03 - Stone, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 214,00 €/m² 130,50 €/m²
geen resultaten gevonden Controleer de spelling of gebruik een ander woord of een andere zin.
16 resultaten
Puzzle edge BOZED56 - Cerulean, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED56 - Cerulean, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED54 - Coal, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED54 - Coal, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED51 - Mineral, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED51 - Mineral, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED57 - Olive, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED57 - Olive, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED53 - Slate, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED53 - Slate, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED55 - Smoke, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED55 - Smoke, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED52 - Steel, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED52 - Steel, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle edge BOZED58 - Stone, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
edge BOZED58 - Stone, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM38 -  Aland, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM38 - Aland, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM35 -  Anglesey, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM35 - Anglesey, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM34 -  Creta, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM34 - Creta, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM31 -  Faroe, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM31 - Faroe, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM32 -  Gotland, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM32 - Gotland, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM36 -  Milos, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM36 - Milos, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM37 -  Murano, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM37 - Murano, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
Puzzle set of patterns BOZCM33 -  Skye, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
set of patterns BOZCM33 - Skye, Natural, 25x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 238,50 €/m² 145,00 €/m²
geen resultaten gevonden Controleer de spelling of gebruik een ander woord of een andere zin.
Speciale stukken
13 resultaten
Puzzle Plint BOZBT73 - Ash, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT73 - Ash, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT68 - Brick, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT68 - Brick, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT70 - Cerulean, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT70 - Cerulean, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT64 - Clay, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT64 - Clay, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT67 - Coal, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT67 - Coal, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT72 - Fragola, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT72 - Fragola, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT62 - Mineral, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT62 - Mineral, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT71 - Olive, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT71 - Olive, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT61 - Powder, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT61 - Powder, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT66 - Slate, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT66 - Slate, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT69 - Smoke, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT69 - Smoke, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT65 - Steel, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT65 - Steel, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
Puzzle Plint BOZBT63 - Stone, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified
Plint BOZBT63 - Stone, Natural, 12.5x25cm, 14.00mm, Not rectified 57,00 € 34,90 €
geen resultaten gevonden Controleer de spelling of gebruik een ander woord of een andere zin.
Beschrijving Le carrelage




est le choix idéal pour donner une touche d'élégance et de style à vos chambres.

Grâce à la surface natural, ce carreau à effet kleur donne un aspect luxueux et sophistiqué, s'adaptant parfaitement à tout type de design.

Avec une sélection de couleurs raffinées, dont ash, brick, cerulean, clay, coal, fragola, mineral, olive, powder, slate, smoke, steel, stone, le carreau


est disponible dans différents formats, tels que 25x25cm, et offre flexibilité et polyvalence pour le création de vos espaces.

Grâce à son épaisseur de 14mm, le carrelage


garantit résistance et durabilité dans le temps, gardant sa beauté intacte même après plusieurs années d'utilisation.

Fabriqué avec des matériaux de haute qualité et avec une attention portée à chaque détail, le carrelage




est le choix parfait pour ceux qui recherchent une solution de classe supérieure.

Choisissez la beauté et l'élégance intemporelles du carrelage




pour transformer vos espaces en véritables chefs-d'œuvre du design.
Kleur Ash, Brick, Cerulean, Clay, Coal, Fragola, Mineral, Olive, Powder, Slate, Smoke, Steel, Stone
Oppervlakte Natural
Afmetingen 25x25cm
Dikte 14mm
Gerectificeerd Not rectified
Effect Kleur
Gebruik Binnen
Materiaal Porseleinen steengoed
Uitglijdindex R10
Kleurenschaduw Niet gespecificeerd
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 5
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